"A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)
Rating: R:18 Genre: Horror, Mystery & Suspense Directed By: Wes Craven Written By: Wes Craven Released: June 1 st , 1984 Runtime: 91 minutes Studio: New Line Cinema Summary: When Nancy starts telling her friends about the nightmares she’s been having including a particular scarred individual with knives as fingers threatening to kill her, they realise they’ve all been having the same nightmare every night... Something sinister is happening on Elm Street, and as the dreams become more frequent and more deadly, Nancy must find a way of stopping Freddy Krueger before it’s too late... Review: Freddy Krueger is quite possibly one of the most iconic characters to come out of cinema history. His appearance, if nothing else, is not a pleasant site. You wouldn’t like to meet him in a dark alley way, would you?! But even the concept of this story is scary enough because it's revolved around the idea that people can’t control their dreams, meaning t...