"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" (2005)
Rating: R:15 Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance Directed By: Shane Black Written By: Shane Black Released: October 21 st , 2005 Runtime: 102 minutes Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures Summary: Two-bit crook Harry Lockhart (Robert Downey Jr.) stumbles into an audition for a mystery film while on the run from the cops. Winning the part, he lands in Hollywood, where he's flung into a tangled, murderous conspiracy with his childhood sweetheart, Harmony Lane (Michelle Monaghan), and hard-boiled private eye Perry van Shrike (Val Kilmer). Review: This is a quick-paced, witty barrel of entertainment. Robert Downey Jr is on the ball with a very engaging wry sarcastic character with a sensitivity, and his constant narration, talking casually to the audience is so well done. It doesn’t let go of your attention, keeping you interacting with the story as it unfolds. Val Kilmer adds to the laughs on offer as well in a quick-paced lively manner. He’s just ver...