"Teen Wolf" (1985)
Rating: PG Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction & Fantasy Directed By: Rod Daniel Written By: Matthew Weisman, Jeph Loeb In Theatres: Aug 23, 1985 Runtime: 92 minutes Studio: Atlantic Summary: Before there was the TV Series there was this little treasure… When secondary school nerd Scott Howard (Michael J. Fox) learns from his father, Harold (James Hampton), that being a werewolf runs in the family, he decides to take advantage of his freakish trait. With his newfound strength and agility, Scott quickly becomes the hero of his school's basketball team while winning over his crush Pamela Wells (Lorie Griffin). As he grows more popular, Scott worries he is being celebrated as a novelty rather than for who he is. Review: Ey-yey-yey-yey-yey… What can I say about this movie? There are…no words. There were moments I had to ask myself what I was watching. But you know what, at the end of the day, it’s very light-hearted and j...